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Diary of a Boy Gardener

We are in the Berkshires, the beautiful rolling hills of western Massachusetts where the season is short and the frosts sometimes win. Visit Sally and David's Gardens and see how two old farts spend their time helping what plants they can find their place in this world.

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Location: Hinsdale, Massachusetts, United States

Retired Service Engineer. Installed and repaired diagnostic x-ray equipment. Trained and supported others doing the same thing.

Monday, July 15, 2002

David set the coffe maker for 4 am so he could be out watering by 5 am. He did it. Watered the whole bank and the lily row in just about 3 hours. Meanwhile Sally watered the back and the side and then took a nice walk. They both went off to help Matt buy a house (liensville) and then when back home around 2 David did more retaining wall work and Sally planted the stuff she bought on the way home from the bank. The swallows are flying all around and the birds are very active these days. Very few bad bugs around so one can sit out in the yard and enjpy the sunset without little buzzing noises in the ear.
David busy getting the Lenox garden tour online....


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