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Diary of a Boy Gardener

We are in the Berkshires, the beautiful rolling hills of western Massachusetts where the season is short and the frosts sometimes win. Visit Sally and David's Gardens and see how two old farts spend their time helping what plants they can find their place in this world.

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Location: Hinsdale, Massachusetts, United States

Retired Service Engineer. Installed and repaired diagnostic x-ray equipment. Trained and supported others doing the same thing.

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

What a scorcher !!!! 3H kinda day. Managed to spend four hours feeding roses. Each gets a three gallon drench of Neptunes Harvest seaweed/fish emulsion (1 oz/gal). Most all of them took their drench well. A few had some runoff and David will have to note those and loosen up the soil around them this fall. Sally is still planting stuff. If it's in a flat, plant it. If it you don't plant it, water it. Then she watered everything. She spent time picking, cleaning and freezing a whole bunch of strawberries. They are really producing right now. Also had to pull all the spinach which was bolting in this heat. Caught it soon enough that it is not bitter. That too washed, spun, paper towelled, bagged and into the fridge. Omlettes in the morning, salads noon and night. By lunch time it was just too damn hot, so indoors til evening when David will mow and Sally will find something to do.


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