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Diary of a Boy Gardener

We are in the Berkshires, the beautiful rolling hills of western Massachusetts where the season is short and the frosts sometimes win. Visit Sally and David's Gardens and see how two old farts spend their time helping what plants they can find their place in this world.

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Location: Hinsdale, Massachusetts, United States

Retired Service Engineer. Installed and repaired diagnostic x-ray equipment. Trained and supported others doing the same thing.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

David has been a bad boy, blog wise. Rather than write about gardening and the website, he has been actually gardening and writing code.
So here are the updates:
Finally David has a working php/mysql picture page (2003 May) which $_GETS info passed from the month thumb page and then generates an html page for that picture with title and text and the picture. He also has a semi-automatic php month page with the thumbs, but at the moment it takes no arguements from a referring page (the next step). Having data base pictures and text then allows different ways to look at them, such that evenually the themes and indices will come to life as hoped over a year ago when this all got started. So that gets done in the morning and evening instead of making blog entries (remember RETIRED !!!).
Meanwhile there is the property and the plants. Out there a bridge got built, land levelled around it and recently seeded. Also finally leveled behing the retaining wall built last year. Yesterday about 1/3 the roses got trimmed and fed, the rest will have to wait as there are a few days of work and play on the schedule. Lots of cleaning and hauling going on. And the first mowing (three days of one hour each to go once around using a self propelled 22 inch mower with no bag).
Sally has managed to get all the potatoes, onions, garlic and leeks in the ground. The greatest deal was the first harvest of fresh spinach which was planted in the fall last year and greened up nicely. Had it under row covers for the last month and now it is big enough to pig out on. Um good.
There was a lot of near the road damage to structures and plants which have needed repair and care. Had lots of damage to a large rugosa where the plows just keep pushing the piles of snow so hard they crushed it, even though it was 6 feet from the edge.
Gotta work for a few days and then a day at Brimfield and then Sunday will be lots of mowing because with all the rain lately the lawn is absolutely thriving.
Looks like a good year so far......


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