This afternoon we are forcast to receive 6-10" of heavy snow. It is lightly snowing as I type and it is 34F out the window. I guess the crocus won't be in bloom tomorrow. Lucky the daffies are just sticking up a bit, not really swollen yet, so they should be OK.
On the web development front, David finally got the hang of PHP/msSQL and has written his first table and a few php pages to add records and display same. Today he hopes to add a second table and learn how to do outer joins. Then it's off to a test garden page written in php. At the same time he is doing some development for his part time job's web site and what he learns one place must be portable to another. Great to dust off the brain a bit, but seems that this older brain has more trouble grasping stuff than that brain that used to work for a living before the big R.