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Diary of a Boy Gardener

We are in the Berkshires, the beautiful rolling hills of western Massachusetts where the season is short and the frosts sometimes win. Visit Sally and David's Gardens and see how two old farts spend their time helping what plants they can find their place in this world.

My Photo
Location: Hinsdale, Massachusetts, United States

Retired Service Engineer. Installed and repaired diagnostic x-ray equipment. Trained and supported others doing the same thing.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

There has been a dramatic weather change. Yesterday we had heavy rains starting late afternoon. The brooks, streams and rivers nearby were already full from snow pack melting. The rain brought them up rapidly. The brook between the bank and the house almost covered the bridge and has put a lot of debris on the lawn when it went around the bridge once it couldn't all get under same. This morning David went to get the paper and saw flooding everywhere (not over roads yet, but getting close). The biggest change here in happyville is that the beaver dam across the street is washed away, so the river is down two feet or more exposing the lodge and washing some of it away. Hope no mammals got swept away down to Long Island Sound via the Housatonic.
This afternoon we are forcast to receive 6-10" of heavy snow. It is lightly snowing as I type and it is 34F out the window. I guess the crocus won't be in bloom tomorrow. Lucky the daffies are just sticking up a bit, not really swollen yet, so they should be OK.
On the web development front, David finally got the hang of PHP/msSQL and has written his first table and a few php pages to add records and display same. Today he hopes to add a second table and learn how to do outer joins. Then it's off to a test garden page written in php. At the same time he is doing some development for his part time job's web site and what he learns one place must be portable to another. Great to dust off the brain a bit, but seems that this older brain has more trouble grasping stuff than that brain that used to work for a living before the big R.

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Well, I had to learn about subdomains and ftp subaccounts and how they all work. Great support at my new domain. So most of the delay in the last two hours was me off closing the hen house and eating supper, and not their delay. They average 5 minute response. Who could ask for more???

Bottom line is that this useless blog is now moved to our domain. Now I will try and do better in the diary department.

I have just changed my settings to our new server and am posting and publishing in the hope that current blog shows up there now.

Yesterday we had rain, today is windy but quite sunny. David is breaking in his hands, shoulders and back with extensive raking. Up to about 3 hours per day in 3 one hour sessions. Most roadside (there a few hundred feet of same) is now cleaned, and working garden borders now. Most of the snow is gone, just the big pile in the back and stuff on the north side. Amazing how fast it goes.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Here we go !!!
David has been busy with web stuff for work and and realized how cheap a domain and big server can be, so has created same. This site will move in a week or so. Additionally, the winter blahs have been broken by a BIG dose of spring fever, so the energy level is going up. Today found the first crocus which inspired lawn near the road raking activity.
Sally keeps planting flats of seeds and finding warm places for them all has become the challange. Will be wandering about with the camera soon and will post that crocus and some exciting pictures of seedlings (oh rapture, oh blis).

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

On March 8th, in spite of way too much snow and still frigid temperatures, Sally has chosen to believe in the tooth fairy and thus has started a flat of tomatoes and a flat of purple wave petunias.