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Diary of a Boy Gardener

We are in the Berkshires, the beautiful rolling hills of western Massachusetts where the season is short and the frosts sometimes win. Visit Sally and David's Gardens and see how two old farts spend their time helping what plants they can find their place in this world.

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Location: Hinsdale, Massachusetts, United States

Retired Service Engineer. Installed and repaired diagnostic x-ray equipment. Trained and supported others doing the same thing.

Monday, May 19, 2003

The kids survived the big frost OK and some pictures were acquired and will be posted soon. This morning brought another frost, but much lighter and easier to deal with.
David mowed the back yesterday and they walked around discussing how to form the berry patches this year. David finally got a non-electric weed wacker with a blade on it for willow and canes so they can better deal with those two invasive nasties.
There are lots of little black bugs in the face these days but one must just press on.


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