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Diary of a Boy Gardener

We are in the Berkshires, the beautiful rolling hills of western Massachusetts where the season is short and the frosts sometimes win. Visit Sally and David's Gardens and see how two old farts spend their time helping what plants they can find their place in this world.

My Photo
Location: Hinsdale, Massachusetts, United States

Retired Service Engineer. Installed and repaired diagnostic x-ray equipment. Trained and supported others doing the same thing.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bird Quickie

This is just a quick reminder since I am way too busy for blogging at the moment.
The first observed barn swallow of the season flew into the woodshed about 15 minutes ago. Details to follow in an update

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Crocus' Turn

David misidentified the Scilla as crocus in the 'First Bloom' post (since corrected), but not far behind and way early, several crocus (white, purple and one lonely yellow) have brust into bloom after yesterdays chilly rain followed by today's bright sun. They were in full bloom by 9 EDT on this day, when normally we see them around Easter.
The spinach is doing very well (from the fall planting) and new seeds in today.
Eric got his peas in right on birthday schedule. The heaves are settling down, the compost looks good.
David got the lawnmower out from the basement today and it won't be but a few days before it gets fired up. Had to move some wood in the shed to be able to get it under cover.